
I BGI American Continental Conference 2011 - Montevideo, Uruguay

The firm MM&A Corporate Law hosted the first American Congress of our international network. The partners of BGI in America gathered on 24 and 25 of November in the new offices of MM&A in Aguada Park, in the free zone of Montevideo, to study new communication strategies appropriate to the continent and to present the business development in the future.

Date 01/12/2011

After speeches of welcome form Juan Luis Balmaseda de Ahumada y Díez, President of BGI and Diego Martinez Bernie, Director of BGI in America, there were presented the new candidates and offices that are being considered for possible entry into the network. Later, the presented the analytical development and trafficking of the new web site BGI (www.bgi-law.com) and analysis of the evolution of our social networks, since its introduction earlier this year to date. After the coffee break, the meeting was focused on business to be developed by network members. Subsequently, conference attendees had the opportunity to have lunch at Rara Avis, one of the oldest and most prestigious restaurants in the city. The first afternoon were devoted to preparing communication strategies of the group in the Americas by 2012. The working groups were organized among the participants. Finally, Juan Luis Balmaseda de Ahumada Diez thanked the organizing work done by Viviana Rezzio and Daniela Tachera and they delivery them a bouquet of flowers. The closing dinner was held ant the Mystery Café Restaurant, where, under a friendly atmosphere, both congressmen and guest enjoyed a pleasant evening.

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