
Balms Abogados analyses the favourable tax system in Bulgaria

In these times of global financial crisis that don?t seem to be about to pass, it seems necessary that businessmen and women reinvest their surplus assets to the biggest extent possible, in order to reactivate the economy and allow us to reach the levels of social wellbeing and economic comfort we enjoyed before. However, the decision to reinvest comes with the added question of where to invest.

Date 03/11/2011

From Balms Abogados and through our office in Bulgaria, we wish to explain a favourable tax option: to invest in Bulgaria.

Since its entrance into the EU in 2007, Bulgaria has adopted new tax laws in order to favour foreign investors deciding to bet on Bulgaria. One of the new tax laws is the reduction of corporate tax to 10%, whilst the European rate for said tax is at 30%, or the reduction of income tax on individuals also down to 10%. These tax measures, together with the bilateral agreements with 68 countries to ensure avoidance of double taxation, offer foreign companies an excellent opportunity to reduce their tax charges compared to other countries.

The complete article analysing tax benefits for foreign companies in Bulgaria can be found in our magazine BGI News XV pages 14-21. For any queries or further information please do not hesitate to contact our Balms Abogados Bulgaria office.

Balms Abogados Bulgaria is an office specialised in legal services and advice in areas such as foreign investment, real estate business, merging and acquisition of companies, transfer and administration of stocks and shares in all types of companies. The high number of foreign clients along with the wish to achieve the best return possible on investments has led the office to an expansion in knowledge and know-how when faced with the optimisation of tax planning.

Balms Abogados Bulgaria en Sofía
2ª Gen. Totleben Blvd., Fl. 4, ap. 10
1606 Sofía Bulgaria
Teléfono: +359 2411 0004
Fax: +359 2411 0005

Balms Abogados Bulgaria en Burgas
37 A, Alexander Veliki Sts. Ap.9
8000 Burgas Bulgaria
Teléfono: +359 5 684 1150
Fax: +359 5 684 1171

Balms Abogados analyses the favourable tax system in Bulgaria

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