
III BGI American Continental Conference 2013 - Mexico D.F, Mexico

For yet another year we have held our conference of the Americas. After quite a few years, we have decided, that aswell as the annual conference in May; we would like to have another in October-November, as we can know little from one conference a year. For operational reasons, we decided that this conference in October-November would in reality, be two, one for the European and African countries and another for the American ones and by doing this we don’t have to cross the pond another time.

Date 01/12/2013

This year, it was held in Mexico City and it was fantastic. A beautiful city, an enviable country and unsurpassable hosts and partners. Many thanks to BGI Villareal for everything.

The conference started with cocktails in the Central Central restaurant in Santa Fe, we took this opportunity to catch up with everyone.

The first day, 28th November, started with the presentation of new partners and candidates and also internal management issues within the network of firms.

During the afternoon, those in attendance enjoyed a very interesting speech from Gerardo Ruiz Mateos (Business director of RW Consulting, a firm dedicated to banking and investment) about new investment opportunities in Mexico. After a debate and a round of questions the first day was concluded.

The second day began with a speech about telecommunications in Mexico from Federico Vergara Aldrete, legal director for Central America and the Caribbean for Alcatel-Lucent Mexico, Property Advisor and Advisor Secretary for NYCE Laboratories. There was also a speech from Gustavo Llamas Galas, funding partner of Logyt.

When this had finished, the plaque of thanks was presented to the organising office of the event and with that, the III Conference of the Americas was brought to an end.

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