
I Congreso Bianual de BGI 2006 - Marbella, España

The first Biannual BGI Conference was held in Marbella, Spain, between the 19th and 21st October, hosted by Balms, Marbella.

Date 28/10/2006

The Conference was attended by many members of BGI from all over the world: Madrid, Vigo, Gibraltar, Paris, London, Munich, Budapest, Miami, Montreal...

The programme of the I Biannual BGI Conferece started with a welcome of BGI delegates at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Balmaseda de Ahumada in Marbella. The 20th of October took place a business day and working sessions in Balms? office in Marbella and afterwards we had a dinner in a restaurant in the town.

On Saturday, we visited Balms? office in Sotogrande in the morning. Afterwards we had a welcome glass of wine and lunch at Mr. and Mrs. Balmaseda de Ahumada?s country house in Gaucín.

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