
Third Anniversary of the Institute for Research and Administrative Tax Process (INEPPAT)

On February 16, it was celebrated the third anniversary of INEPPAT. The Institute for Research and Administrative Tax Process (INEPPAT - Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisas de Processos Administrativos Tributários) is a non-profit association whose objective is to create a great forum for discussion of relevant issues on taxation and creating a large database of national legislation to allow a systematic view of the Tax Law.

Date 18/02/2012

The scope of the projects is a tax education program and, therefore, citizens more aware of their duties and obligations.

The INEPPAT is a pioneering project reference which encourages the increase of intellectual capital in academia and is aimed at training a new generation of tax lawyers in the State of Ceará.

To this end, the president of INEPPAT, Dr. Cid Marconi, received a series of personalities who contributed with lectures and speeches to the anniversary of the institute. Among them were: Dr. João Marcos Maia (Deputy Minister of Finance of the State of Ceará), Dr. Andrade Valdetário Miller (President of the Bar Association of Brazil, Ceará delegation), Dr. Ali Cassius Regis Bunny (Chairman of Regional State Ceará), Dr. Luiz Bittencourt Gaston (President of the Federation of Commerce of the State of Ceará), Dr. Francis Davis Lamp (CDL-President of Chamber of Commerce), Dr. Antonia Torquato de Oliveira Mourao (CONAT President), Dr . Barroso Pimentel (Senator of the republic), Anthony Balmas (Congressman), Dr. Denise Lucena (National Treasury Solicitor) and Dr. Helenus Taveira Torres (Lawyer).

Third Anniversary INEPPAT

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