
XI International Conference on Tax Law of Pernambuco

Brazil is living through new and challenging times. The consolidation of democracy, the growth of an economy which stands out as one of the most promising in the world, the hope of an increasingly engaged society which elected its first President of the Republic and which fights against poverty and for social inclusion. It is against this backdrop that the XI International Conference on Tax Law of Pernambuco will take place, an event already consolidated in the national calendar of seminars on tax issues, this year transpiring between the 21st and the 23rd of September in Recife.

Date 14/09/2011

In a year in which tax reform took centre stage in political and economic debates as a problem which directly affects the life of people, companies, the Treasury and in general, the Economy of the whole country, the Conference on Tax Law of Pernambuco will reintroduce this and other discussions regarding tax and market conditions. A group of specialists with multidisciplinary views relating to legal-tax will be present at the Conference. Thus, tax representatives, taxpayers, professionals and students dedicated to tax cases in Brazil and countries from Europe and Latin America will take part. Our partner Mr. Cid Marconi, member of Cid Marconi Advocados has been invited as a member of the conference tables.

By bringing together experiences of renowned lawyers and tax advisors, we are able to seek solutions which could enable a simpler and more efficient national tax system. For this reason, it is accredited that this conference is ideal for teachers, lawyers, independent auditors, accountants, attorneys and tax auditors of the Inland Revenue, state and municipal judges, ministers of State and Superior Courts, economists, businessmen, students, etc.

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